Meet the DDS Dive Team
Here at Dorset Diving Services, We're fortunate to have some of the finest dive professionals in the industry. With decades of diving experience and an array of different diving expertise between us, there will always be someone that will join you on your next big adventure!
Find out more below!
Leon Butler - Owner
PADI Master Instructor
JoJo Butler
PADI Divemaster
The Boss's Boss (Apparently)
Neil Stonestreet
PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor
Scuba Service Technician
Ellie Richards
PADI IDC Staff Instructor
Marine Biologist
Chris Frampton
PADI IDC Staff Instructor
Technical Diver
Geoff Davies
PADI IDC Staff Instructor
Outdoor Activities Instructor -
Pablo Cicchini
PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer
Sidemount Speciality Instructor
Charlie April
PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer
Travel Expert -
Mattie Harling
PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor
Travel Expert
Ben Grant
PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor
Jordan Toms
PADI Divemaster
Outdoor Activities Instructor
Cameron Josic
PADI Divemaster
Sidemount/Tec Diver
Adam Nightingale
PADI Divemaster
Archaelogy Expert
Nick Downton
PADI Divemaster
Yacht Racer
David Chant
PADI Divemaster
Every dive centre needs a publican
Holly Brydges
PADI Divemaster
Charlie Gibson
PADI Divemaster
IT Expert
Chris Cooper
PADI Divemaster
Phillip Sinclair
PADI Divemaster Trainee
Have you had a great experience with one of our PADI Pro's?
Our PADI Pro's work really hard to make sure you stay safe and inspired on your adventures
Why not take a second to give your Pro's a shout out in a review. Let them know they're doing an awesome job!